Why Choose Us
We’re not just a repair contract company, but also a professional engineering company for Commercial Refrigeration System (Cold Room, Chiller System, Ice Flaker Machine, Ice Making Machine & etc). We also provide professional service to our customers to help them maintain the equipment, improve product quality, and reduce abnormal loss.
Different between LG Refrigeration Engineering Sdn Bhd & other contractors
Other contractors will only go to the customer site if they receive an emergency trouble call and resolve the problem. But LG Refrigeration Engineering Sdn Bhd will not only be involved in solving the problem, we will also find out the cause. Because most failure conditions are caused by problem B, then problem A occurs, but most contractors are irreversible. Only problem A is solved and problem B remains, which is why most device owners waste a lot of money on that.
That's why LG Refrigeration Engineering Sdn Bhd comes with the program on extension warranty period whereas 3 years warranty on the compressor with term & condition.
That's why LG Refrigeration Engineering Sdn Bhd comes with the program on extension warranty period whereas 3 years warranty on the compressor with term & condition.
We always standby to serve our pleasure customers.
If the problem does not solve, we will never put additional charge until we completely solve it.
We provide 3 years warranty for new compressor and 2 years warranty for new accessories spare part with term and conditions supply.
If the problem does not solve, we will never put additional charge until we completely solve it.
We provide 3 years warranty for new compressor and 2 years warranty for new accessories spare part with term and conditions supply.
Comparison of Overall Maintenance Costs

Comparison of Power Analysis for Refrigeration System

Before Electrical Power Modify

After Electrical Power Modify

Parallel Rack System by LG Refrigeration Engineering Sdn Bhd

Air Condenser by LG Refrigeration Engineering Sdn Bhd